Man has to suffer. When he has no real afflictions, he invents some.
- Jose Marti
On a different note, listening to French music is so inspiring. I just recently discovered the delight in doing so. I know we've heard this a million times but the language is just beautiful~ Adding to that, these singers have very lovely voices. The way they sing their words, I swear even if you don't understand, you'll just get lost in them.
I'll go ease into their sounds for a while, and then maybe I'll go try and learn myself some of the language itself. Maybe. Just maybe. That's going to be something. Oh, and I just learned Baldé is a French surname. Who knew an unflattering Tagalog word (AND N's surname) would hold more decency in some far away part of the world. Now it means something much classier to me than just a plain old tub. XD
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