*bear sigh* |
Sometimes, my friends get the best of me. I feel for them when they're down and I'm into offering them what I can. But there are things that I find difficult to handle. I dunno if my issue is the topic of the problem itself or the attitude of the friend I'm trying to help. Truthfully, I am turned off by
self-destructive personalities, and
emotional vampires. And when I realize I can't offer anything they would consider, or if I cannot get myself to understand their situation , I can't help but
run. Not just run, but really, run far away. And I know it sucks how easily I surrender but, really, how can you help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Also, how can I help someone without having a good grasp of what their situation must be like. I feel too incompetent for some situations at times and I can't accept it. And the friends I've let down are piling up...
Sometimes I think I do too much helping. Sometimes I don't think all of them can listen to me the way I do to them. I just hope there will always be someone I can run to whenever I need an ear.
I wish you don't end up becoming too futile to help. I can't feel like a friend if I think I'm incapable of giving you anything. But then I'm also selfish because I don't want any of your bad parts.
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