Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Nerve

Some time ago, I was hit up by an old acquaintance in Facebook. We weren't really close before, and to be honest, I didn't think too well of him. I guess he was okay as a person, he wasn't really harmful, as long as I kept out of direct contact. To be clear, you know we have this gut instinct to keep away from people who we don't really feel like hanging out with, not only because we don't click, but also 'cause we find something off about them. And I mean off in, like, a non-agreeable way. Aside from that, personally, I hate that he tries so hard. That's not supposed to be bad, but somehow, to me, he had managed to appear quite selfish. Think hardcore opportunist. I didn't know they started so young.

Going back to the story, he hit me up, we started chatting, and I thought he was really concerned about how I was doing these days. I surely have the lamest brain ever for thinking that way. We stopped in the middle of the convo, he signed out and I never heard from him again. I thought, rude as hell, but whatever, things happen, right? Some time passed, and somehow word got to me he was selling stuff as part of this networking business, and has been chatting up with our old friends (and basically anyone he knows) to get them interested. I should've known better. Gosh does it tick me that I got blindsided by this tool. Now I felt stupid afterwards. I felt sorry for him, 'cause now he doesn't get any redeeming factor I would've given him. Not that what I thought of him should matter to him. Because if it did, surely he'd be a bit more sensitive with people.

I will never forget that day I beat him without even trying. We were in our last year of grade school, everyone sitting on the grounds waiting for names to get called. It was the NAT results. The short kid was in front of the rows, while I was at the back. One last name to call, and he was praying hard. I was complacent. I didn't feel like I was a prospect since I've let my grades slip and got lower honors, but it would surprise me if he got called since I didn't think of him smart. But I remember their faces, how approving they looked when I did. That spot had always been mine. To me that was enough proof that I still had it. Ah, you just make me treasure this memory more. 

I can't help but think lowly of you. Why do you have to be selfish and foolish. I could've respected you. Just know that you are not a good example, and I would never want to be like you. And maybe one day, your world will turn and my opinion will matter.


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